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The Podcast

The ultimate podcast for women that want to learn how to heal their mind, body, & soul as they enter motherhood so they can thrive, break cycles, & raise secure attached kids.


subconscious reprogramming


health, wellness, somatics & attachment healing


energy work & community

"I truly feel the work I did in Mom School has set me up to be a more patient, calm, and attuned mom already to my little guy. I'm actually enjoying learning what he needs rather than being scared or anxious of it. What you teach really really works so thank you for helping me get here."

Megan w.

"I can testify your methods are still carried throughout my life today & my kids & I have reaped the rewards when it comes to understanding & regulating emotions. My relationship with them has only grown deeper & more loving and I'm so proud of who they choose to be & how they carry themselves. All of that would not be possible without your guidance with me to set that foundation with my own inner child. Once again forever grateful for you!"

Daina b.

"The tools I learned with Shaina have absolutely revolutionized my relationship with my children. The co-regulation that I experienced with Shaina has now allowed me to co-regulate my kids. I have more space & clarity in my mind and energy so I can now be the parent that I want to be. This was my biggest goal - stop intergenerational trauma, raise great kids, & be a loving mum & I think I'm achieving it so if you are sitting on the fence, jump in with two feet. Shaina's work is brilliant."

Claire j.

Kind words

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