mom school

create the stable foundation that your family can thrive on with you & your child securely attached

cycle breaker

It's time to re-pattern your nervous system, break free from inherited dysfunction, & be held in a community of aligned women who are also ready to create new cycles for themselves & their future generations.

want to raise a secure attached kid?

Most information out there to prep for bringing baby home does not teach you how to nurture secure attachment in the early stages.


The courses offered by hospitals teach you about labor & delivery. Lactation consultants teach you how to breastfeed or bottle feed. Parenting courses teach you what to do once your kid is a walking, talking little human. But nothing out there is teaching you how to prep your mind, body, soul, & home to raise a secure attached child from DAY ONE. 

"This work has been
life-changing as a mother." - Sue S.

mama classes


Transformation Accelerator

Think of this as your healing & transformation journey 101 course. Teaching you how to somatically process your emotions, heal your triggers, & regulate your nervous system so that you can feel confidently empowered to handle every aspect of mom life.

don't know where to start with this whole "Mom thing"?
 i got you covered.
here are the courses offered inside of mom school.



Cycle Breaker

This is course is here to help you uncover what your childhood attachment trauma *actually* was so that you can break free from unconscious cycles & survival strategies of the past, & learn the "gifts" your soul naturally has that you get to take advantage of in motherhood!


The 4th Trimester

This course will teach you how to prep your home & attune to your baby's unique cues so that you can create a custom "feed-play-sleep" schedule that fosters safety & secure attachment in your child's nervous system right out of the gate!




Raising A Secure Attached Kid

This course will teach you every essential parenting skill you need in order to a raise a secure attached child at every developmental stage!


shaina rae

Why am I so passionate about helping YOU get ready for motherhood through the lens of secure attachment? Because mental health disorders are on the rise & after healing my anxiety & depression holistically, I discovered that when you put the focus on nurturing a secure attached relationship with your child in the early stages of life, it sets them up for a lifetime of thriving mental health, emotional intelligence, healthy relationship dynamics, & well-being. So why not support this generation of women so we can together to learn how to build this new, secure foundation that our family can thrive on: mentally, physically spiritually, & emotionally so that the unconscious family cycles of pain gets to stop with us.  

meet your mentor

somatic attachment therapist, parenting coach, & mama ready to help you be the change you'd like to see in the world.


mama embodied

The Podcast

The ultimate podcast for women that want to learn how to heal their mind, body, & soul as they enter motherhood so they can thrive, break cycles, & raise secure attached kids.

"I truly feel the work I did in Mom school has set me up so much to be a more patient, calm, and attuned mom already to my little guy. I'm actually enjoying learning what he needs rather than being scared of anxious of it. What you teach really really works so thank you for helping me get here."

Megan w.

"I can testify your methods are still carried thorughout my life today and my kids and I have reaped the rewards when it comes to understanding & regulating emotions. My relationship with them has only grown deeper & more loving and i'm so proud of who they choose to be & how they carry themselves. All of that would not be possible without your guidance with me to set that foundation with my own inner child. Once again forever grateful for you!

Daina b.

"The tools I learned with Shaina have absolutely revolutionized my relationship with my children. The co-regulation that I experienced with Shaina has no allowed me to co-regulate my kids. I have more space & clairty in my mind and energy so I can now be the parent that I want to be. This was my biggest goal - stop intergenerational trauma, raise great kids, & be a loving mum & I think I'm achieving it so if you are sitting on the fence, jump in with two feet. Shaina's work is brilliant.

Claire j.

Kind words

Get the full experience

Bundle all of the Mom School classes to go on an incredible, life-changing 4 month journey with Shaina that gives you access to special bonuses & pricing TOO!

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